segunda-feira, 17 de maio de 2010

Ronnie James Dio

Um dos grandes vocalistas de heavy metal faleceu ontem. Ronnie James Dio participou de diversas bandas mas acredito que ficou mais famoso por ter substituído Ozzy Osborne no Black Sabbath. Ele é considerado o inventor de um dos maiores símbolos do heavy metal, o famoso sinal do chifre do capeta em que os dedos indicador e mindinho permanecem esticados enquanto os outros são dobrados.

O Ronnie James Dio foi um dos convidados da banda Deep Purple no show em que gravaram um disco com a Orquestra sinfônica de Londres em 1999. Acho que este é meu disco preferido de rock. Tem a melhor versão de "Sometimes I feel like screaming". A participação do Ronnie James Dio foi bastante surpreendente. Pra quem estava acostumado a vê-lo cantar heavy metal foi estranho escuta-lo cantando "Love is all". Apesar de estranho, achei fantástico. “Love is all” faz parte de um concerto “The butterfly ball” que se inspirou em um livro infantil. Bem diferente de heavy metal.

Love Is All
Everybody's got to live together
All the people got to understand
So, love your neighbour
Like you love your brother
Come on and join the band

Well, all you need is love and understanding
Ring the bell and let the people know
We're so happy and we're celebratin'
Come on and let your feelings show

Love is all, well love is all,
Love is all, can't you hear the call
Oh, love is all you need
Love is all you need at the Butterfly Ball

Ain't you happy that we're all together
At the ball in nature's countryside
And although we're wearing different faces
Nobody wants to hide

Love is all and all is love and
It's easy, yes it's so easy
At the Butterfly Ball where love is all
And it's so easy

All you need is love and understanding
Hey, ring the bell and let the people know
We're so happy and we're celebratin'
Let your feelings show

Love is all, yes love is all at the Butterfly Ball
Love is big, love is small
Love is free, love is all
At the Butterfly Ball

When you back's to the wall
When you're starting to fall
You got something to lean on
Love is everything
It can make you sing at the Butterfly Ball
Love is all, I say love is all, yes love is all
At the Butterfly Ball

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